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  1. Q: 如何注册拉卡拉跨境收款? A: 进入拉卡拉跨境支付官方网页(,点击立即注册,按照页面提示填写手机号码邮箱等信息提交后即可注册完成。

    Q: 申请注册开户是否会收费? A: 注册拉卡拉、开户都不会收取手续费。

    Q: 注册拉卡拉跨境收款账户需要什么基础资料? A: 注册环节仅需要手机号、邮箱等基础信息。注册成功后可根据自身情况进行相应的实名认证;

    大陆个人用户: ①身份证正反面彩色影印件、本人手持身份证照片; ②本人银行借记卡; 大陆企业用户: ①营业执照(三证合一企业或个体工商户)影印件; ②法定代表人证照影印件、受益人证照影印件、代理人(经办人)证照影印件 香港个人用户: ①本人香港永久居民身份证影印件、手持身份证件照片; 香港企业用户: ①企业注册证书影印件、企业商业登记证影印件; ②公司董事的身份证件影印件、受益人证照影印件、代理人(经办人)证照影印件,支持证件类型有二代居民身份证/护照/香港永久性居民身份证均可; 以上证件要求清晰可见,支持数码拍照,影印件大小在5MB以内。

    Q: 用户的商户服务平台登录密码忘记了怎么办? A: 可以在首页点击“忘记密码”找回后重置密码。

    Q: 我可以注册几个拉卡拉跨境支付平台账号? A: 每一个企业主体及个人主体仅可注册一个拉卡拉跨境支付平台账号。

    Q: 一个邮箱可以在注册多个账户吗? A: 一个邮箱仅支持注册一次。

    Q: 邮箱或手机号不用了怎么办? A: 您可登录拉卡拉跨境支付商户服务平台,进入商户中心,更换您的邮箱及手机号。

    Q: 实名认证审核时效是多久? A: 中国大陆个人用户实时反馈您的审核结果,选择其他类型用户,将进入人工审核流程,我们会在1-2个工作日内完成审核,审核通过后系统将发送邮件通知到您的绑定邮箱。

    Q: 用户的个人身份证件或者企业证件过期了有影响吗? A: 我们会在相关证件过期前60天对您进行提示,若您在实名认证通过后有相关证件过期,系统将限制您的交易行为,请您在收到提示后第一时间更新信息。

    Q: 证件过期后可以进行实名认证吗? A: 证件过期暂时无法审核通过,建议您前往户籍所在地办理好新的证件后再提交实名认证。

    Q: 实名认证未通过审核该怎么办? A: 您可登录拉卡拉跨境支付商户服务平台查看审核未通过原因,更新资料后重新提交实名认证审核。

    Q: 已有账号但是登录时提示“用户名或密码错误”? A: 可能是您的商户号已被关闭或者商户操作员账号已被您的管理员删除,商户关闭后无法恢复,操作员被删除后可联系您的管理员重新添加。

    Q: 为什么登录时提示“账号已被禁用”? A: 操作员账号已被您的管理员冻结,请联系您的管理员进行解冻。

    Q: 一个商户可以添加多少个操作员? A: 系统不对添加的操作员数量进行限制。

  2. Q: 提供资料给拉卡拉安全吗? A: 拉卡拉作为专业的第三方支付机构,我们处理资金的银行账户受中国人民银行监管,客户资料会受到严格的保密和保护,只能用于申请账号进行实名认证而不会用作其他商业用途。

    Q: 为什么要提供店铺授权信息,拉卡拉会如何使用店铺授权? A: 根据中国外汇管理相关规定,贸易相关外汇收支均需要真实、合法的交易背景,因此需要您提供店铺授权信息用来获取您的销售订单数据,核实您的贸易真实性,以满足合规要求。若您不能提供相关信息,您将无法继续正常使用拉卡拉跨境支付平台提供的收款服务。

    Q: 提供店铺授权后,拉卡拉能保证数据安全吗? A: 拉卡拉作为专业的第三方支付机构,我们处理资金的银行账户受中国人民银行监管,客户资料会受到严格的保密和保护。您的销售数据仅作为判断贸易真实性的依据以及拉卡拉为您进行外汇申报时的依据。

  3. Q: 拉卡拉跨境收款支持哪些平台? A: 目前支持Amazon北美站和eBay/PayPal美元收款,后续其他平台及站点收款产品请留意官网信息。

    Q: 绑定Amazon店铺时如何获取卖家编号和MWS授权令牌? A: 您可点击添加店铺页面的“如何获取卖家编号和MWS授权令牌”按钮,获取操作指引。

    Q: Amazon结算后多久能到账? A: Amazon结算款在出账后,大约需要3-5个工作日转入您的收款银行账户中。我们收到您的Amazon资金后会在第一时间以邮件的方式通知您。

    Q: 我在亚马逊上新开店,无法提供卖家编号和授权怎么办? A: 若您申请境外收款账户时尚未开通亚马逊店铺,可在申请境外收款账号时点击“暂无产品售卖/暂无店铺”提前拿到收款账号,店铺开始正常经营后再补充卖家编号和MWS授权令牌。

    Q: 我可以使用平台分配的USD境外银行账号收Amazon加拿大站和墨西哥站的款吗? A: 一个境外收款账号可同时绑定同一店铺的美国站、加拿大站、墨西哥站进行收款,无需另外申请账号。

    Q: 欧洲四个站点需要分别申请4个欧元收款账户吗? A: 一个欧元收款账户可同时绑定同一店铺的法国站、德国站、意大利站及西班牙站,不会产生关联,无需另外申请账号,但同一个账户不能同时绑定一个站点的两个店铺。

    Q: 更换账号后店铺被Amazon冻结怎么办? A: 若您在更换收款账号后店铺无法正常使用,请立即联系您的亚马逊客户经理,告知您是本人操作,自愿更换收款账号。如需提供银行账户证明信,您可登录商户服务平台,前往店铺详情页进行下载。

    Q: 如何降低更换收款账户引起的亚马逊店铺冻结概率? A: 为避免账号冻结,您在修改收款方式前可以与亚马逊客户经理提前沟通,通知其您需更换收款账号,且为本人操作,并截图存档。

    如何联系亚马逊客服: 您可以进入亚马逊商家后台,点击【帮助】-【获得支持】-【找不到所需的内容】-【联系我们】,选择【更新付款方式】-【其他账户问题】,即可联系亚马逊客服(开启亚马逊case)

    Q: 不同店铺申请的日元收款账户名相同,是否会引起关联? A: 该名称是拉卡拉在日本的合作银行提供的账户持有人日文名。不会因使用拉卡拉日元境外收款账号导致店铺关联。

    Q: 为什么要在PayPal下绑定eBay店铺并进行授权? A: 为了保障资金安全并帮助我们进一步核实贸易真实性,我们需要您协助绑定相关店铺,感谢您的配合。

    Q: 为什么我的店铺详情显示资金未入账? A: 可能有以下原因:1、您的资金正在汇往拉卡拉收款账户的路途中,待资金实际到账后才会进行入账;2、您的Amazon店铺授权失效,到账资金与您绑定的店铺的销售订单不匹配,我们无法核实您的贸易真实性。3、您的PayPal提现资金来自多个eBay销售款项,但您并未将资金来源的eBay店铺添加为PayPal关联店铺,导致到账资金与您绑定的店铺的销售订单不匹配,我们无法核实您的贸易真实性。4、您的到账资金不是来自Amazon/eBay销售款,我们将对您的到账资金进行审核,根据审核结果决定资金处理方式(入账or退回)。

  4. Q: 因提现卡限制造成的提现CNY失败能够取消提现订单吗? A: 因外汇已经结汇至境内,提现CNY失败不可以取消提现订单,但您可更换提现账户。

    Q: 拉卡拉跨境收款提现时效性如何? A: 支持7*24小时发起提现申请,提现到国内人民币账户3-5分钟可以到账,最快可以秒到。提现到外币账户一般0-2个工作日内可以到账,与实际提现币种相关。

    Q: 拉卡拉跨境收款提现的汇率如何? A: 提现交易发起时点的在岸银行外汇牌价。

    Q: 实际到账金额是否会有汇率损失? A: 不会,发起提现申请之后,我们将为您锁定汇率,同时告知您预计实际到账币种的金额。

    Q: 为什么提现原币种时实际到账金额与提现金额不一致? A: 店铺提现时,系统会从您的提现金额中扣除相应的提现手续费,剩余部分为实际出款至您银行账户的金额。与此同时,当您提现原币种时,通过swift汇款会产生中间行费用。

  5. 拉卡拉跨境收款协议 LAKALA Cross-border Collection Agreement













    a)“拉卡拉跨境收款服务的提供方”指的是,拉卡拉支付股份有限公司(英文名:Lakala Payment Share Co.,Ltd.),注册地址:北京市海淀区北清路中关村壹号D1座6层606。

    b)“跨境收款服务” 主要服务内容是作为您的收款代理人为您在境外收取结算货物贸易款项资金,并通过合作银行将该等款项直接转入您指定的银行账户,或将该等款项进行汇兑并将汇兑后的人民币资金转入您指定的银行账户,同时在资金处理过程中履行相应国际收支申报等相关地区法律法规所规定(若有),以及合作银行操作规范的手续。如您的资金因违反当地法律法规而遭到银行滞留、缓付、拒付,我公司不具有先行垫付的责任。












    日本LAKALA JAPAN Co., Ltd.
    3F GrandeAkihabara,Sotokanda 6-8-10,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, Japan
    8605 SANTA MONICA BLVD #79525, WEAT HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069-4109

    四、 拉卡拉账户












































    六、 相关权利义务使用限制


















    八、 责任范围及责任限制


    2.您理解并同意,因我司根据本协议并依法向第三方提供您的用户信息产生的任何后果和风险应由您自行承担,包括但不限于您的贷款 申请、支付申请被拒绝,您无法获得更优惠的交易条件、您的相关信息被他人不法利用。






    1.为了您更好地使用拉卡拉服务,您还需要阅读并遵守 《跨境收款隐私政策》以及拉卡拉网站公示的其它规则,请您务必审慎阅读、充分理解各条款内容,特别是免除或者限制服务方责任的条款。



    十、 商标、知识产权、专利的保护









    Terms and Conditions:

    LAKALA Cross-border Collection Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement ") is signed with you by Lakala Payment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as" our Company "). This agreement provides for our cross-border collection services, rights, and obligations of both parties and other matters to you. To protect your rights and interests, please read all the contents of this agreement, especially the bold part, before using this service. When you click on the tick box of this agreement on our web page (write "LAKALA cross-border collection agreement" or similar text after the tick box, and the contents of this agreement are also listed on the page or can effectively display the content of this agreement link), or otherwise reasonably indicate that you have entered into this agreement with us, this agreement is established and effective between you and us.

    I  Statements and Commitments

    1.To provide you with the services you need, our company will collect your information in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, legitimacy, and necessary. We also use, protect, save and provide your information in accordance with the instructions in the "Privacy Policy for Cross-Border Collection”.

    2.Your use of this cross-border payment service should be based on the real goods transaction background. Our company will verify the transaction information and other materials provided by you. If it does not pass the verification, you cannot become our user. Our company will not provide you with the services listed in this agreement.

    3.Our company will not collect your (as an individual user) religious belief, genes, fingerprints, blood type, diseases, and medical history information and other personal information prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

    4.We undertake to make every commercial and reasonable effort to use security technology and processes to ensure user information security, to ensure that the above technical and procedural security criterion are not lower than the requirements of national laws and regulations, to prevent the occurrence of information loss, improper use, etc., and to take reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of providing user information to third parties.

    5.When you register as a LAKALA user or you actually use this service in other ways permitted by our company, that is, when you accept to use this service, you have fully read, understood and accepted the entire contents of this agreement, and agreed to follow all the covenants of this agreement.

    6.You acknowledge that our company has the right to modify the content of this agreement and publish it by way of announcement on this website or other appropriate places without separate notices to you; you continue to use this service after the announcement of this agreement changes, indicating that you have Fully read, understood and accepted the contents of the modified agreement; if you do not agree with the revised contents of the agreement, please do not proceed to the next step, you can contact our company and/or legal consultant for more information.

    7.You have well noted that you and your use of LAKALA services will be subject to the mandatory provisions of the “Applicable Law”. It is hereby stated that you are carrying out your activities in a professional or commercial identity, and you are not signing this agreement and using LAKALA services as a consumer. You are solely responsible for understanding and complying with the laws and regulations of your country of origin, as well as the laws and regulations that may be applicable to you based on the account-based jurisdiction related to your use of LAKALA services. The following laws and regulations related to monitoring payment services include but not limited to: anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist organization financing requirements, consumer protection, information protection, anti-discrimination, gambling, false advertising, illegal sale or purchase or trading of any goods or services, as well as related import and export activities, tax or foreign exchange trading activities.

    II  Definition and interpretation

    In this agreement, the following terms mean:

    a)" Provider of cross-border collection service "refers to LAKALA Share Payment Co., Ltd., with registered address: 6 floor 606, seat D1, Zhongguancun, north Qing road, Haidian District, Beijing.

    b)" Cross-border Collection Service " refers to the main services as your collection agent for you to collect settlement goods trade funds outside the country, and through the cooperative bank to transfer such funds directly to your designated bank account, or exchange such funds to RMB and remit the currency into your designated bank account, at the same time in the process of processing funds to fulfill the corresponding balance of payments declaration and other relevant regional laws and regulations (if any), as well as cooperative bank operating procedures. In any case your funds are detained, deferred, or withheld by the bank by reason of violating local laws and regulations, our company does not have the responsibility or obligation of any advance payment.

    c)" Co-operative Parties "refers to the parties who cooperates with us to provide you with cross-border collection service based on your demand, including, but not limited to, affiliated LAKALA information technology co., ltd., domestic and foreign cooperative bank and other parties.

    d)" LAKALA payment "refers to our company through the" LAKALA cross-border payment "software system to provide online payment and collection services.

    e)" Cash out account "refers to the relevant collection bank account that you designate in LAKALA, that is, the bank account you receive the balance from LAKALA's account.

    f)"Working day" refers to the working days except the Saturday, Sunday,and public holidays in the jurisdiction of the account. On the working day, the network infrastructure for payment in the jurisdiction is open, and the banks normally operate daily business activities.

    g)"Users" refers to natural persons (including individual industrial and commercial households, hereinafter referred to as "individual users") and enterprises (including institutions, other organizations, etc., hereinafter referred to as "corporate users") who use this service. Unless otherwise specified, the places where "you" and "user" mentioned in this agreement include both individual users and corporate users, collectively referred to as "users".

    h)"LAKALA Account" means the account registered by the user in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 1 of this agreement.

    i)"Information provider" refers to the person and other channels that our company collects user information, including the user himself, the entity that legally owns the user information, its agency, and media.

    j)" Client Terminal of LAKALA Cross-border Payment " refers to a financial information intermediary service platform operated by LAKALA, which is responsible for providing users with services such as global collection, currency exchange and remittance, as well as global payment services.

    k)"Written" or "written form" refers to any form recorded in paper or electronic vehicle that can tangibly express the contents recorded unless otherwise specified.

    III  Parties

    In this Agreement, the parties to your collection accounts in different regions will be different because of the demand for collection in different regions, as shown in the table below:

    Account locationPartyAddress Information
    JapanLAKALA JAPAN Co., Ltd.3F GrandeAkihabara,Sotokanda 6-8-10,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, Japan
    North AmericaLAKALA US CO., LTD8605 SANTA MONICA BLVD #79525, WEAT HOLLYWOOD, CA 90069-4109

    IV  LAKALA account

    1.Registration and cancellation of accounts

    For you to use this service safely and efficiently, you must register on this website and obtain the LAKALA account assigned to you by our company, verify your identity according to our rules. To this end you agree:

    (1)You hereby agree to appoint LAKALA to be your agent to receive payments from marketplaces through which you sell your goods and services. You acknowledge and agree that payment to LAKALA satisfies the marketplaces’ obligations for payments to you. You agree that you will submit documentation to each marketplace in the form specified by each marketplace identifying LAKALA as your agent and directing the marketplace to transfer payments due to you to LAKALA.

    (2)You ought to provide and update your identity information and related materials in an accurate and complete manner. If the identity information and related materials you furnished are inaccurate or incomplete, or if you do not cooperate with and supplement the related materials in a timely manner, your use of LAKALA services may be restricted, suspended, or terminated in part or in whole. Our company assumes no responsibility for the above actions.

    (3)You should accurately provide and update your email address, contact phone number, contact address, postal code and other contact information in time, so that our company can contact you in a timely and effective manner. You shall be solely responsible for any loss and increase in costs caused by the inability to contact you through these contact methods. You understand and agree that you are obliged to maintain the validity of the contact information you provide. If there are any changes, you should notify our company in time to update, and you should perform relevant operations according to our requirements.

    (4)You are required to update the information in a timely manner (including but not limited to ID cards, passports, business licenses, business registration certificates and other documents and other identification documents, registration, use LAKALA accounts and e-mail names or mobile numbers of this service, the mailbox, mobile phone number, etc. , (if any) bound to the LAKALA account. All consequences caused by your failure to update the information in time shall be borne by you.

    (5)Our company is entitled to review the registration information you submitted as needed, and the review will be completed within T + 2 working days after you submit the registration information. If the registration information is approved, you will receive an email notification from our company. This cross-border collection agreement is effective from the date of the company's email notification which shall be valid for one year. If the agreement is not terminated by both parties due the expiration, this agreement will be automatically renewed.

    (6)When you no longer need to use the services provided by our company, you can apply for cancellation of your LAKALA related account. Whether the application for cancellation of the account is approved will be replied within T + 2 working days, by telephone, e-mail, mobile phone message, website message, and other ways. Please pay attention to it time by time. After you apply for cancellation, funds will not be allowed to enter into your account.

    (7)You should cooperate actively in providing your valid identification documents or other necessary documents and allow us to retain color scanned copies of such documents when any of the following circumstances arise, as requested by us, otherwise your use of the LAKALA services may be subject to partial or total restriction, suspension or termination:

    1)If you request a change of identity information or your identity document has expired.

    2)We consider that your use of this service or related circumstances occurred are abnormal.

    3)We consider your identity is skeptical.

    4)Other circumstances in which we presume it necessary to check or retain your identification or other necessary documents.

    5)We are appropriate to verify your identity through any legally operated entity with a user identity verification mechanism.

    2.Account security

    (1)You can use this service based on the fact that you have registered the LAKALA account as required by this agreement and have accomplished the identity check, as long as you are fully responsible for all operations performed using the account. You acknowledge that you are accountable, eligible and capable, for the purpose of protection, to safekeep any password, identity information, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, computers, and other mobile terminals for the purpose of logging in and use your LAKALA account, or verify all your information and equipment (including but not limited to LAKALA account login (if any), LAKALA login, any) . You shall be responsible and accountable for any losses caused by the disclosure, lost or unauthorized use of the information, or equipment. For the use of this service only, you undertake not to disclose, leak, or lend the aforesaid information and equipment to any other person, nor to use any other person's such information and equipment.

    (2)Based on the different user usage habits of computer and other electronic devices, we may set up different account login modes and take different measures to identify you when using specific devices.

    (3)You agree that in any case you aware and realize that the information or equipment referred to in Article 4, Paragraph 2, and Item (1) of this agreement is lost, misused, used without your legal authorization, or in any other situation that may endanger the security of the LAKALA account or your user information, you shall immediately and effectively notify us and ask for relevant measures. Upon receipt of your application or if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the operation of this service is not attributable to you, we may suspend the provision of such services. You irrevocably authorize us to synchronize the foregoing to all interested parties at our own discretion in order to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of you and others.

    (4)You are committed to ensure that you log out and quit the site with correct processes after cease the continuous login period. We cannot and will not be liable or accountable for any loss, damage, or other adverse consequences arising from your failure of compliance with this paragraph.

    (5)You should be responsible for your LAKALA account, and only you yourself can log in and use the account. The account is non-transferable, non- giftable, non-inheritable.

    V  LAKALA service rules and related authorization

    1.Collection services

    (1)For the purpose of keeping you to use the cross-border e-commerce collection service normally, you are required to authorize our company to bind your store on the e-commerce platform (see Schedule I of the shop binding statement).

    (2)The time required for the settlement funds of the store to reach your LAKALA account is not under our maneuver or control. Settlement funds are usually received within 1-3 working days, which may take up to 5 working days or longer. In the event the funds are not received within 5 working days after the instructions of the relevant platform are settled successfully, our company may, in accordance with your requirements, carry out an internal investigation for your benefit, whilst the costs and expenses so that caused shall be undertaken by you (if any).

    (3)After receiving the settlement funds, our company will serve you notification of the funds in time by email, not later than the next working day.

    (4)Your use of this service for cross-border collection should be based on real cross-border e-commerce transactions, and provide identification information, transaction information, and other materials for verification according to our requirements. If your transaction shows abnormal, or the bank has enquiries relevant to your transaction or account and temporarily detains your payment, our company will request you to supplement further information or messages according to the bank's instructions.

    (5)The exchange rate applicable to the settlement of foreign exchange under this service is the foreign exchange reference price rate provided by the LAKALA Cooperative Bank.

    (6)You confirm and agree that you will be solely responsible for all the processing fees charged by the partners of LAKALA arising from the transfer of settlement funds under this service. The specific fee standards are listed subject to the indication of relevant business.

    (7)Our company is NOT a bank or credit institution and does not pay any interest on your account balance in LAKALA. By accepting these terms and conditions, you confirm that LAKALA is entitled to retain any interest in any funds held in LAKALA’s bank account.

    (8)You are recommended and accountable to undertake the risks of currency depreciation, exchange rate fluctuations, and loss of earnings during your use of our services. You have the right to make payments or withdrawals only within the amount of money collected or paid on our behalf (excluding funds frozen, stopped, or otherwise restricted by the competent authority). You are not entitled to all proceeds (e.g. interest and other fruits) arising from the collection or payment on your behalf (including funds frozen, deterred, or restricted by the competent authority). In order to developing our services, we have ownership of the proceeds (e.g. interest and other fruits) arising from the collection or payment on your behalf.

    2.Withdrawal service

    (1)Our cash withdrawal service is generally a business-to-business service and is not eligible for the utilization of transfer funds between individuals. Our company has the right to decline to enforce any settlement instructions to a bank account that does not belong to you or you are not the holder of the account. The final realization of your withdrawal request will be changed according to the bank's system or requirements.

    (2)You can only submit a withdrawal request and instruct our company to withdraw in part or all of the balance (after deducting fees) to the account you requested, complying with the status that your LAKALA account is normal. Regarding the limitation on the amount of each withdrawal, you are requested to conform to the relevant national laws and regulations such as the "Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Regulating the Large-Scale Cash Withdrawal Transactions Outside Bank Cards."

    (3)You must guarantee and ensure the accuracy of your cash account information. We are not responsible for the mis-transfer of funds due to inaccurate or incorrect cash account information. You may undertake the related costs (if any), if such payment is refused due to inaccurate or incorrect cash account information provided by you.

    (4)In the event of any breach of compliance requirements or a misleading withdrawal application, our company will take reasonable measures to assist you in the tracing and recover such money under reasonable and feasible circumstances. However, our company is NOT responsible or takes any obligation for any money losses that cannot be recovered.

    (5)As long as you submit a request to us to perform the cash withdrawal service and agree to the deduction of the cash withdrawal and all applicable expenses from the LAKALA account, the cash withdrawal operation is irrevocable and you will not be able to ask for retrieving the funds that have been transferred to your cash withdrawal account.

    (6)LAKALA will charge you a certain cross-border collection and withdrawal service fees, the specific service fee rules based on your LAKALA cross-border collection account in a real-time display of the relevant content, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties. In the event LAKALA intends to adjust or update the collection service fee rules, the adjusted and updated rates will be issued in your LAKALA cross-border collection account, and your continued use of the cross-border collection services provided by LAKALA will be deemed to be your unconditional consent to such corresponding adjustment changes. Further, you acknowledge and agree that LAKALA will remit to your designated bank account after the settlement fund deducts the withdrawal service charge at the above rates.

    (7)We reserve the right to deduct any expenses from the settlement of your LAKALA account you due to us, including but not limited to, all expenses payable under this agreement.

    (8)The withdrawal requests received by us will be processed within 0-3 working days at the currency exchange rate of the cooperative bank on that day.

    (9)If your request of cash withdrawal is rejected or deferred by the bank, we are not liable for any advance payment.

    (10)We are eligible and available to reject or decline your application for cash withdrawal and give you such notification by means of telephone, e-mail, SMS, in-station letter, etc., in the event we realize or find out that this service has been used abnormally or it is reasonably skeptical the use of the service, or the use of the service is under suspicion of violating the provisions of the laws or this agreement, or upon receiving the notice of investigation from relevant administrational departments such as the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

    3.You agree that, based on the requirement of operational and transactional security, we may temporarily suspend the provision of all or part of the services and related functions, or provide new functions. If you still keep using this service, it means you agree to this covenant or the changed agreement if any services and functions are reduced, added, or changed.

    4.If you have any dissention to this service, you can complain your dissention by calling 95016 or online customer service. We will examine and cope with the dissention raised by you, as well as reply to you, within the time limit regulated by laws and administrative regulations.

    VI  Related rights and obligations and applicable restrictions

    1.By using this service, you should abide by the relevant laws and regulations of related nations and jurisdictions, and not to use this service for any illegal purposes (e.g. money laundering, fraud, etc.), and not to use this service in any illegal way.

    2.You understand and agree that we shall not be liable for any damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, goodwill, data, or other intangible damages (whether or not we have been informed of the possibility of such damages) arising from any of the following circumstances:

    (1)If you violate any provisions and principles expressly indicated and stipulated in this agreement, we may suspend, deter, or cease the services partially or in full thereof to you. Nevertheless, we shall continue to hold, maintain your user information and records of the use of this service to the extent granted by law.

    (2)We have the right to suspend or cease your use of this service without notice, and to notify you by telephone, e-mail, SMS, in-site mail, etc., of your concern in time, whilst we realize or acknowledge that this service has been used abnormally, or that the use of the service is in danger of violating the provisions of the law or this agreement, and you should pay attention to such situation time by time. Cases that may specifically result in the suspension or cease of the services include, but are not limited to:

    1)According to the covenants and provisions of this agreement.

    2)According to the stipulations of laws, regulations, and legal instruments.

    3)According to the requirements of the authority.

    4)Your use of LAKALA services is suspicious of violating national laws, regulations, and administrative regulations.

    5)Our company believes that it may cause risks based on reasonable discretion and judgement.

    6)You have been complained or asserted by other parties, with the provision of effective evidences from other parties.

    If you apply for retrieving services, lift the suspension or restrains of the above services, you are required to faithfully provide relevant genuine information, your identification and other messages or documents requested by us for our verification, and we have the own discretion depending upon our judgment to determine whether or not grant your application. You are fully understand that your application is not necessarily allowed. If you refuse to truthfully provide relevant information and identification, or fail to pass our review, you acknowledge that we have the right to cease services to these accounts and restrict some or all functions of these products or services entirely.

    VII  System interruption or fault treatment

    we will not be liable for the damages occurred in light of unable to use various services, in the event our system fails to operate properly due to the following conditions, including but not limited to:

    (1)During the period of system shutdown and maintenance, announced by our company on this website.

    (2)The failure of data transmission in light of breakdown of telecommunications equipment.

    (3)Due to typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, power failure, war, terrorist attacks, and other force majeure factors, resulting in our system obstacles cannot carry out the service.

    (4)Service interruption or deferred due to hacker attacks, technical adjustments or malfunctions in the telecommunications sector, website upgrades, problems incurred from third parties, etc.

    VIII  Scope and limitation of liability

    1.Our responsibilities are solely limited the scope listed and identified in this agreement.

    2.You understand and acknowledge that any consequences and risks arising from conveying your user information to a third party, pursuant to the provision of this agreement subject to the law, shall be on your own account, including but not limited to the decline or refusal of your application for a loan, or payment, not available to obtain a more favorable transaction, as well as your relevant information is illegally used.

    3.You understand and acknowledge that the services provided by our company are shall comply with the State laws and regulations, and shall subject to the supervision and administration of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of China and other relevant authorities. You are required to cooperate with providing relevant information, to conform to our supervision and investigation time by time. You are fully accountable for any legal responsibilities in the event you fail to comply with the requirements.

    4.Regarding the credit information service, you understand and agree that: the information provider is responsible to give you notification simultaneously, when provides us with your defective information (except for the information disclosed in accordance with laws and administrative regulations). Nevertheless, our company does not assume any responsibility, in the event the informant has not fulfilled the obligation of notification, or such notification have not reached to you.

    5.Where permitted by law, we shall not be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, derived loss (including loss of business, loss of earnings, loss of profits, loss of goodwill, loss of use of data or loss of other economic interest) relating to or arising out of this agreement, even if the possibility of such loss has been notified in advance.

    6.Unless otherwise provided in this agreement, notwithstanding any circumstances, the total amount of our liability for breach of contract under this agreement, shall not in excess of the entire amount of the service fees charged to you.

    IX  Integrated agreement

    1.To make better use of the LAKALA service, you are recommended to read and abide by the "Privacy Policy for Cross-Border Collection" and other rules published on the LAKALA website. Please be sure to read carefully and fully understand the terms and conditions, especially those that exempt or restrict the liability of the service party.

    2.This agreement is composed of the terms in this agreement and the relevant rules published on this website. Specified terminologies can be referred to each other, and this agreement shall prevail in the case there is any discrepancies. You understand and agree with this agreement, that is, understand and agree with the contents of all covenants and conditions of this agreement. Once you use this service, you and our company will be bound by all the covenants and conditions of this agreement.

    3.Should part of this agreement be found or decided unlawful or invalid by a competent law court, it shall not affect the validity of other contents.

    X  Protection of trademarks, intellectual property rights and patents

    1.All contents on systems of our company, and affiliated companies, as well as on this website, including but not limited to works, pictures, archives, information, materials, website structure, website screen arrangement, web design, are legally owned and hold possession by our company or our affiliated company only, in terms of including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyright, trade secret rights, etc.

    2.Unless otherwise with written consent of our company or our affiliated companies, it is not allowed or permitted, with any method, to use, modify, copy, change, distribute, issue, or publicly publish the program or content of this website.

    3.It is your obligation to respect our intellectual property, and you are liable for any damages, compensation for all our losses against any violation.

    XI  Dispute resolution

    This agreement is governed by and interpreted subject to Chinese law. If there is any dispute, claim or disagreement, in terms of default, termination or validity of related to this agreement between both parties, as well as any dispute, assertion of damage, or disagreement related to the matters determined under this agreement, shall be friendly settled by means of consultation or intermediation in advance. Both parties agree to hand over the dispute to the Shanghai Arbitration Commission for final settlement in accordance with the then arbitration rules of the Commission.

    Schedule I. Store binding terms

    If you provide the above authorization information to Lakala or continue to use the cross-border collection service, you are deemed to authorize Lakala to, depending on the above authorization, to obtain transaction background materials relate to your cross-border payment transaction, to match relevant compliance requirements. Lakala promises to keep the background information of the transactions collected strictly confidential, and will not utilize these authorizations for any other purpose other than meeting the compliance requirements. You may notify Lakala for the termination of the above authorization, at the time of stop using the cross-border collection service.

    To this end, Lakala commits to obtain and use such transaction background information only within the scope of your authorization, and simply for the purpose of providing you with cross-border collection services. If there is any economic damages occurred due to falsely obtain or use transaction background materials by Lakala, in excess of the authorization scope, Lakala will compensate you actual losses and expenses incurred for protecting legal rights or defense, including but not limited to, litigation or arbitration fees, attorney's fees and enforcement fees, etc.

  6. 跨境收款隐私政策










    拉卡拉支付股份有限公司(注册地址:北京市海淀区北清路中关村壹号D1座6层606;常用办公地址:北京市海淀区北清路中关村壹号D1座)(以下简称“我们”)在您使用跨境收款服务时,将按照本隐私权政策(以下简称“本政策”)收集、使用保护、保存及对外提供您的信息。同时,我们会通过本政策向您说明,我们如何为您提供访问、更新、管理和保护您的信息的服务。本政策与您使用我们的服务关系紧密,我们建议您仔细阅读并理解本政策全部内容,做出您认为适当的选择。我们努力用通俗易懂、简明扼要的文字表达,并对本政策中与您的权益存在重大关系的条款和个人敏感信息,采用粗体字进行标注以提示您注意。 为了遵守国家法律法规及监管规定(例如:进行实名制管理、履行反洗钱职责、安全管理),也为了向您提供服务及提升服务质量(例如:支持我们设计新服务或完善已有服务功能,为您提供和推荐更为优质或适合的服务),我们需要收集、存储、使用及对外提供您的信息。您同意我们按照本政策约定处理您的信息,以便您享受优质、便捷、个性化的服务,同时更好地保护您的账户及资金安全。

















    (2)申请境外收款银行账户服务:为了保证您正常使用跨境收款服务,我们可能会收集您的店铺名称、销售类目、店铺授权信息(Amazon sellerID 、Amazon MWS授权令牌、PayPal用户名、PayPal账号、eBay UserID、eBay Token授权令牌)。

    (3)提现服务:为保证您正常使用跨境收款的提现服务,我们可能会获取您的银行账户开户名、英文地址、开户银行、银行卡号、银行预留手机号、Swift code 、开户行地址、联行号。








































    3、当我们展示您的个人信息时,我们会根据《个人金融信息保护技术规范》(JR/T 0171-2020)采用模糊化、不可逆等技术处理方式对您的信息进行脱敏,以保护您的信息安全。



    为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,您使用跨境收款提供的服务时,我们可能会通过小型数据文件识别您的身份,这么做可帮您省去重复输入注册信息的步骤,或者帮助判断您的账户安全状态。这些数据文件可能是Cookie、Flash Cookie,您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(以下简称“Cookie”)。借助于 Cookie,在您使用浏览器访问跨境收款服务器后,服务器会传给浏览器一段特定的数据识别串。每次浏览器访问该服务器,都必须带上这段数据识别串进行校验,Cookie中不包括任何用户敏感信息。

    请您理解,我们的某些服务只能通过使用Cookie才可得到实现。如您的浏览器或浏览器附加服务允许,您可以修改对Cookie的接受程度或者拒绝跨境收款的Cookie。多多数浏览器工具条中的“帮助”部分会告诉您怎样防止您的浏览器接受新的Cookie,怎样让您的浏览器在您收到一条新Cookie时通知您或者怎样彻底关闭Cookie。此外,您可以通过改变浏览器附加程序的设置,或通过访问提供商的网页,来关闭或删除浏览器附加程序使用的类似数据(例如:Flash Cookie)。但这一举动在某些情况下可能会影响您安全使用跨境收款提供的服务。











































    (3)在使用您的个人信息使用时,例如个人信息展示、个人信息关联计算,我们会根据《个人金融信息保护技术规范》(JR/T 0171-2020)采用包括模糊化、不可逆在内的多种数据脱敏技术增强个人信息在使用中的安全性。











































































    本政策所述的拉卡拉关联方是指:拉卡拉云商网络有限公司、拉卡拉信息科技(上海)有限公司、广东云商网联信息服务有限公司、西藏考拉科技发展有限公司、西藏考拉金科网络科技服务有限公司、北京拉卡拉小额贷款有限责任公司、重庆市拉卡拉小额贷款有限公司、广州拉卡拉网络小额贷款有限责任公司、拉卡拉电子商务有限公司、深圳众赢维融科技有限公司、广州众赢科技有限公司、拉卡拉信用管理有限公司、北京云考拉信用管理有限公司、拉卡拉汇积天下技术服务(北京)有限公司、北京大树保险经纪有限责任公司、西藏云闪科技有限公司、云码智能(深圳)科技有限公司、江苏千米网络科技股份有限公司、广州拉卡拉普惠融资担保有限责任公司、广州润信商业保理有限责任公司、LAKALA JAPAN Co., Ltd.、LAKALA US CO., LTD、LAKALA UK CO., LTD等。

  7. 拉卡拉支付个人信息保护政策 Lakala Payment Personal Information Protection Policy










    6、本政策仅适用于拉卡拉支付股份有限公司提供的产品和服务及其延伸的功能(以下简称“拉卡拉支付服务”),包括 APP、网站、客户端、小程序、公众号、POS 机以及随技术发展出现的新形态向您提供的各项产品和服务。如我们提供的某款产品有单独的个人信息保护政策或相应的用户服务协议当中存在特殊约定,则该产品的个人信息保护政策将优先适用,该款产品个人信息保护政策和用户服务协议未涵盖的内容,以本政策内容为准。


    1、个人信息:指以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的各种信息。本个人信息保护政策中涉及的个人信息包括:个人基本信息(包括个人姓名、个人电话号码、住址、电子邮箱);个人身份信息(包括身份证);个人生物识别信息(包括人脸活体检测照片);网络身份标识信息(包括 APP 登录账号、密码);个人财产信息(银行账户、流水记录);个人常用设备信息(包括设备识别号(如 IMEI/IDFA/OPENUDID);精准定位信息。



    拉卡拉支付股份有限公司(注册地址:北京市海淀区北清路中关村壹号D1 座6 层606;常用办公地址:北京市海淀区北清路中关村壹号 D1 座)(以下简称“我们”)在您使用拉卡拉支付服务时,将按照本个人信息保护政策(以下简称“本政策”)收集、使用、保护、保存及对外提供您的信息。同时,我们会通过本政策向您说明,我们如何为您提供访问、更新、管理和保护您的信息的服务。本政策与您使用我们的服务关系紧密,我们建议您仔细阅读并理解本政策全部内容,做出您认为适当的选择。我们努力用通俗易懂、简明扼要的文字表达,并对本政策中与您的权益存在重大关系的条款和个人敏感信息,采用粗体字进行标注以提示您注意。










    ① 互联网支付:为了您能使用互联网支付服务,在您开通互联网支付服务,将您的银行卡与互联网支付账户绑定时,您需提供您的银行卡卡号、姓名、身份证号码、银行预留手机号、手机验证码。我们会将该等信息与发卡银行进行验证。为了完成支付和通过银行的验证,同时采集必要风控信息,保障交易的安全可信,您需要提供银行卡卡号、个人姓名、身份证号码、银行预留手机号,我们还需要采集您的交易金额、设备型号、IP 地址、个人位置信息、设备软件版本信息、设备识别码、设备标识符。如您不提供上述信息,将无法使用互联网支付服务。

    ② 移动支付:为了您能使用移动支付服务,在您开通移动支付服务,将您的银行卡与移动支付账户绑定时,您需提供您的银行卡卡号、姓名、身份证号码、银行预留手机号、手机验证码。我们会将该等信息与发卡银行进行验证。为了完成支付和通过银行的验证,同时采集必要风控信息,保障交易的安全可信,您需要提供银行卡卡号、个人姓名、身份证号码、银行预留手机号,我们还需要采集您的交易金额、设备型号、IP 地址、个人位置信息、设备软件版本信息、设备识别码、设备标识符。如您不提供上述信息,将无法使用移动支付服务

    ③ 数字电视支付:为了您能使用数字电视支付服务,在您开通数字电视支付服务,将您的银行卡与数字电视支付账户绑定时,您需提供您的银行卡卡号、姓名、身份证号码、银行预留手机号、手机验证码。您需按照页面提示输入收款人账户、收款人部分姓名、转账金额。如您不提供前述信息,转账可能无法进行,但不影响您使用我们提供的其他服务。我行还会收集您的收付款交易信息,形成收款人名册,以简化您的转账操作。上述信息属于个人敏感信息,如您拒绝提供该信息,仅会使您无法使用上述功能。

    ④ 预付卡受理:为了您能使用预付卡受理服务,在您开通预付卡受理服务,将您的银行卡与预付卡收单商户账户绑定时,您需提供您的银行卡卡号、姓名、身份证号码、营业执照号码、银行预留手机号、手机验证码。如您不提供前述信息,预付卡支付转账可能无法进行,但不影响您使用我们提供的其他服务。如您拒绝提供该信息,仅会使您无法使用上述功能。


    ① 商户开通服务:为了保证您正常使用拉卡拉提供的支付服务,我们需在为您开通商户的过程中,需要获取您的 1)个人信息,包括手机号码、姓名、身份证号、身份证正反面照片、邮箱(非必填);2)收款入账银行账户信息,包括开户行、户名、账号;3)店铺经营信息,包括店铺名称、店铺地址、门头照或经营场所照片。

    ② 商户升级服务:您可以通过提交更多认证资料提升您的商户等级,认证资料包括1)信用卡认证信息,包括您本人的信用卡开户行、账户名、卡号、银行预留手机号码;2)营业执照认证信息,包括您开通商户时使用的经营店铺名称、营业执照号、营业执照照片。

    ③ 商户提款服务:您使用提款服务时,需要先开通服务功能,对您在商户开通过程中提交的个人信息、银行卡信息进行再次验证。

    ④ 收款交易:在您使用我们的收款服务时,为保证交易的安全性和合规性,我们需要获取您的GPS定位信息、手机蓝牙权限、设备识别号 IMEI/IDFA、以及交易卡卡号信息(加密)。

    ⑤ 交易查询:为了向您提供日常交易、资金管理服务,方便您实时查看交易信息与经营数据,我们记录并向您展示您的交易流水及划款入账信息。





    (1)AVOS数据统计服务:用于统计、分析 APP 数据,记录用户行为,我们可能会获取您的设备标识、设备型号、运营商、APP 版本信息。
















    4、您在使用拉卡拉支付服务的某些 APP 产品的情形中,您可选择是否授权我们收集、使用您的个人信息。如您拒绝授权部分功能或服务所需信息,您将无法使用相关功能或服务,但这不影响您正常使用拉卡拉支付服务的其他功能或服务:

    (1)设备信息,用于统计、分析 APP 数据,记录用户行为,提供定位服务,推送APP消息服务,生成唯一设备指纹标识。





    (6)网络通讯,用于与服务端进行通讯。拒绝授权后,APP 所有基于网络服务的功能将无法使用。APP 系统后台保存您使用 APP 时所使用设备的网络信息,包括 IP、端口信息。




    为了保障向您提供的服务的安全稳定运行,我们需要记录您使用的服务类别、方式及相关操作信息,例如:所属运营商、设备硬件信息、设备型号、IP 地址、设备软件版本信息、设备识别码、设备标识符、所在地区、网络使用习惯以及其他与拉卡拉支付服务相关的日志信息。如您不同意我们记录前述信息,可能无法完成风控验证。


































    3、当我们展示您的个人信息时,我们会根据《个人金融信息保护技术规范》(JR/T 0171-2020)采用模糊化、不可逆等技术处理方式对您的信息进行脱敏,以保护您的信息安全。


    二、我们如何使用 Cookie、Beacon、Proxy 等技术

    为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,您使用拉卡拉支付提供的服务时,我们可能会通过小型数据文件识别您的身份,这么做可帮您省去重复输入注册信息的步骤,或者帮助判断您的账户安全状态。这些数据文件可能是 Cookie、Flash Cookie,您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(以下简称“Cookie”)。借助于Cookie,在您使用您的浏览器访问服务器后,服务器会传给浏览器一段特定的数据识别串。每次浏览器访问该服务器,都必须带上这段数据识别串进行校验,Cookie 中不包括任何用户敏感信息。

    请您理解,我们的某些服务只能通过使用Cookie才可得到实现。如您的浏览器或浏览器附加服务允许,您可以修改对Cookie 的接受程度或者拒绝拉卡拉支付的Cookie。多数浏览器工具条中的“帮助”部分会告诉您怎样防止您的浏览器接受新的Cookie,怎样让您的浏览器在您收到一条新Cookie时通知您或者怎样彻底关闭Cookie。此外,您可以通过改变浏览器附加程序的设置,或通过访问提供商的网页,来关闭或删除浏览器附加程序使用的类似数据(例如:Flash Cookie)。但这一举动在某些情况下可能会影响您安全使用拉卡拉支付提供的服务。

    我们网站上还可能包含一些电子图像(以下简称“网络 Beacon”),使用网络Beacon 可以帮助网站计算浏览网页的用户或访问某些Cookie,我们会通过网络Beacon收集您浏览网页活动的信息,例如:您访问的页面地址、您先前访问的援引页面的位置、您的浏览环境以及显示设定。

    如您通过我们的网站或APP,使用了由第三方而非拉卡拉支付提供的服务时,为尽力确保您的账号安全,使您获得更安全的访问体验,我们可能会使用专用的网络协议及代理技术(以下简称“Proxy 技术”)。使用Proxy技术,可以帮助您识别到我们已知的高风险站点,减少由此引起的钓鱼、账号泄露等风险,同时更有利于保障您和第三方的共同权益,阻止不法分子篡改您和您希望访问的第三方之间正常服务内容,例如:不安全路由器、非法基站等引起的广告注入、非法内容篡改等。在此过程中,我们也可能会获得和保存关于您计算机的相关信息,例如:IP地址、硬件ID。




    我们承诺对您的信息进行严格保密。除法律法规及监管部门另有规定外,我们仅在以下情形中与第三方共享您的信息,第三方包括我们的关联方、合作金融机构以及其他合作伙伴。如果为了向您提供服务而需要将您的信息共享至第三方,我们将评估该第三方收集信息的合法性、正当性、必要性。当您通过拉卡拉服务账号使用第三方主体通过拉卡拉支付服务的 APP、网站、客户端、小程序、公众号、POS机或其他应用提供的产品或服务时,我们将基于您在具体场景下的授权将您的拉卡拉用户ID 及页面提示的相关信息传递给第三方。向您取得授权的页面提示上会展示具体授权对象以及授权信息类型,您的信息将通过加密通道传递给第三方。我们将会根据本政策的约定与第三方共享您的个人信息,但我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本政策中所声明目的的约束。第三方如要改变个人信息的处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。我们将要求第三方对您的信息采取保护措施,并且严格遵守相关法律法规与监管要求。









    ① 百度定位:用于提供定位服务,北京百度网讯科技有限公司可能获取了您的IMEI信息、位置信息、运营商信息。

    ② AVOS推送:用于为您提供推送APP消息服务,美味书签(北京)信息技术有限公司可能会获取您的手机设备标识、设备型号、运营商、网络类型信息。

    ③ 华为推送:用于为您提供推送APP消息服务,华为终端有限公司可能会获取您的手机设备标识、设备型号、运营商、网络类型信息。

    ④ 小米推送:用于为您提供推送APP消息服务,小米科技有限责任公司可能会获取您的手机设备标识、设备型号、运营商、网络类型信息。

    ⑤ 魅族推送:用于为您提供推送APP消息服务,珠海市魅族科技有限公司可能会获取您的手机设备标识、设备型号、运营商、网络类型信息。

    ⑥ Share:用于提供社会化分享服务(包括:微信、QQ、微博),广州掌淘网络科技有限公司可能会获取您的手机设备标识、网络状态信息。

    ⑦ OPPO推送:用于为您提供推送APP消息服务,OPPO广东移动通信有限公司可能会获取您的手机设备标识、设备型号、运营商、网络类型信息。

    ⑧ VIVO推送:用于为您提供推送APP消息服务,维沃移动通信有限公司可能会获取您的手机设备标识、设备型号、运营商、网络类型信息。

    ⑨ 百度云推送:用于为您提供推送APP 消息服务,北京百度网讯科技有限公司可能会获取您的手机设备信息。

    ⑩ 腾讯SDK:(1)为优化产品和服务,收集APP崩溃日志,深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司可能需要向APP开发者和/或终端用户收集相关个人信息,主要包括:日志信息(包括:第三方开发者自定义日志、Logcat 日志以及 APP 崩溃堆栈信息)、设备ID(包括:androidid以及idfv)、联网信息、系统名称、系统版本以及国家码。(2)为分析用户统计错误以及进行APP版本更新,深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司可能会获取您的设备MAC地址、文件存储权限、相机权限、系统设置权限、网路权限。

    ⑪ 微信openSDK:用于向您提供微信分享服务,深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司可能会获取您的openID并收集您的图片数据用于分享到朋友圈或微信收藏,但不会用于关联和追踪用户。

    ⑫ 友盟数据统计服务:用于统计、分析APP数据以及记录用户行为,友盟同欣(北京)科技有限公司可能会获取您的设备标识、设备MAC地址、设备型号、运营商、APP版本信息。

    ⑬ 腾讯X5内核:用于兼容显示h5页面,深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司可能会获取您的设备MAC地址、文件存储权限和相机权限,以方便您上传照片和视频等。

    ⑭ 易道博识OCR识别:用于商户身份证识别、银行卡识别,北京易道博识科技有限公司可能会获取您的身份证信息,银行卡信息。

    ⑮ Firebase crashlytic:用于统计APP崩溃情况。谷歌有限责任公司可能会获取了您的IMEI信息、位置信息。































    (2)我们的网络服务采取了传输层安全协议等加密技术,通过 https 等方式提供浏览服务,确保您的个人信息在传输过程中的安全。

    (3)在使用您的个人信息使用时,例如个人信息展示、个人信息关联计算,我们会根据《个人金融信息保护技术规范》(JR/T 0171-2020)采用包括模糊化、不可逆在内的多种数据脱敏技术增强个人信息在使用中的安全性。





















































    2、对于重大变更,我们还会提供更为显著的通知(我们会通过包括但不限于APP 推送通知、APP公告、弹窗提示、发送邮件/短信或在浏览页面做特别提示等方式,说明个人信息保护政策的具体变更内容)。本政策所指的重大变更包括但不限于:










    (1)客服热线 95016;

    (2)“拉卡拉 95016 官方客服”公众号在线客服;



    Release Date: October 2022

    Effective Date: October 2022


    We understand the importance of personal information to you and appreciate the trust you have placed in Lakala Payment Co., LTD. (" We "). Through this policy, we will explain to you how we will collect, use, protect, store and provide your information and your rights through this policy, the main points of which are as follows:

    1. In order to help you understand the types and purposes of information we need to collect when you use our services, we will explain to you one by one based on specific services.

    2. In order to provide services to you, we will collect your information in accordance with the principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity.

    3. If it is necessary to share your information to a third party in order to provide services to you, we will evaluate the legality, legitimacy and necessity of the information collected by such third party. We will require third parties to take protective measures for your information and strictly comply with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements. In addition, according to the requirements of laws, regulations and national standards, we will obtain your consent in the form of confirmation agreement, copy confirmation under specific scenarios, pop-up prompts, etc., or confirm that the third party has obtained your consent.

    4. If we need to obtain your information from a third party in order to provide services to you, we will require the third party to explain the source of the information and require the third party to guarantee the legality of the information provided; If the personal information processing activities we need to conduct business exceed the scope of your authorization when you originally provide personal information to a third party, we will obtain your express consent.

    5. You can access and manage your information, set privacy functions, log out of the Lakala service account or make complaints and reports in the way described in this Policy.

    6. This policy only applies to the products and services provided by Lakala Payment Co., Ltd. and their extended functions (hereinafter referred to as "Lakala Payment Service"), including apps, websites, clients, mini programs, public accounts, POS machines and products and services provided to you in new forms as technology develops. If a product provided by us has a separate personal information protection policy or special provisions exist in the corresponding user service agreement, the personal information protection policy of the product will be applied preferentially. For contents not covered by the personal information protection policy of the product and the user service agreement, the contents of this policy shall prevail.

    7. In the event that any inconsistency is found on this Website between the Chinese and English or other language versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

    Specific terms and keywords covered in this policy are:

    1. Personal information: refers to all kinds of information recorded by electronic or other means that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person individually or in combination with other information. The personal information involved in this personal information protection policy includes: basic personal information (including personal name, personal telephone number, address, E-mail address); Personally identifiable information (including ID card); Personal biometric information (including face live detection photos); Network identity information (including APP login account and password); Personal property information (bank accounts, flow records); Common personal device information (including device identification number (such as IMEI/IDFA/OPENUDID); Precise positioning information.

    2. Personal sensitive information: refers to personal information that, once leaked, illegally provided or abused, may endanger personal and property safety, easily lead to personal reputation, physical and mental health damage or discriminatory treatment. The personal sensitive information involved in this Personal Information protection policy includes: your personal identity information (including ID card); Personal biometric information (includingface live detection photos); Personal property information (bank accounts, flow records); Precise positioning information.

    3. Affiliated Parties: refers to any company or institution controlled,is controlled or jointly controlled by one Party now or in the future, and the legal representative of such company or institution. "Control" means having the ability, directly or indirectly, to influence the management of the company referred to, whether through ownership, voting shares, contracts or other means recognized by the people's court.

    When you use the Lakala Payment Service, Lakala Payment Co., LTD. (Registered address: 606, Floor 6, Building D1, Zhongguancun 1, Beiqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing; Common office address: Block D1, Zhongguancun 1, Beiqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing) (hereinafter referred to as "We") will collect, use, protect, store and provide your information in accordance with this Personal Information Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy"). At the same time, we wil explain to you how we provide you with services to access, update, manage and protect your information through this policy This policy is closely related to your use of our services. We suggest that you carefully read and understand all contents of this policy and make the choice you deem appropriate. We strive to use plain, simple and concise words, and the policy has a significant relationship with your rights and interests and personal sensitive information, marked in bold for your attention.

    In order to comply with national laws, regulations and regulatory provisions (e.g., real-name management, anti-money laundering duties, security management), as well as to provide you with services and improve service quality (e.g. Support us to design new services or improve existing service functions, provide and recommend better or suitable services for you), we need to collect, store, use and provide your information. You agree that we will process your information in accordance with the provisions of this Policy, so that you can enjoy high-quality, convenient and personalized services,and to better protect your account and fund security.

    I. How do we collect and use your personal information

    (I) How do we collect your information

    In the process of your use of Lakala Payment Service, we need to collect some of your information in the following circumstances to provide you with services, improve our service quality, ensure the security of your account and funds and comply with national laws, regulations and regulatory provisions:

    1. Perform anti-money laundering obligations and real-name management in accordance with laws, regulations and regulatory provisions

    (1) When you register your Lakala Service account, you need to provide your mobile phone number as your valid contact information. If you do not provide the above information, you may not be able to register a Lakala Service account. According to relevant laws and regulations, you need to pass multiple cross verification of basic identity information before you can use part of our services. For example, when you use the bank card receipt service, you need to provide your ID card information, your face living authentication, and your bank card authentication to complete multiple cross verification of basic identity information. If you do not provide the above information, you may not be able to use some of the services that require multiple cross-verification, but your use of other services provided by us will not be affected. At the same time, in order to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide, we will check with the state organs, financial institutions, enterprises and institutions that legally retain your aforementioned information;

    (2) In accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Measures on Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing of Payment Institutions and other relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements of anti-money laundering, we shall prompt you to provide color photocopies or photos of valid ID cards and your mobile phone number or other contact information for us to check and retain; If you do not provide the foregoing information or do not agree to be retained by us, you may not be able to use some of the services related to regulatory requirements, but your use of other services provided by us will not be affected.

    2. Provide services to you

    (1) If you are an individual user, we can provide you with Internet payment services, mobile payment services, digital TV payment services, prepaid card acceptance services:

    ① Internet payment: In order to enable you to use Internet payment services, you need to provide your bank card number, name, ID number, mobile number reserved by the bank, and mobile verification code when you open the Internet payment service and bind your bank card to your Internet payment account. We will verify this information with the issuing bank. In order to complete the payment and pass the verification of the bank, collect the necessary risk control information, and ensure the security and trust of the transaction, you need to provide the bank card number, personal name, ID number, and mobile phone number reserved by the bank. We also need to collect your transaction amount, device model, IP address, personal location information, device software version information, device identifier, device identifier. If you do not provide the above information, you will not be able to use the Internet payment service.

    ② Mobile payment: In order to enable you to use mobile payment services, when you open mobile payment services and bind your bank card to your mobile payment account, you need to provide your bank card number, name, ID number, mobile phone number reserved by the bank and mobile verification code. We will verify this information with the issuing bank. In order to complete the payment and pass the verification of the bank, collect the necessary risk control information, and ensure the security and trust of the transaction, you need to provide the bank card number, personal name, ID number, and mobile phone number reserved by the bank. We also need to collect your transaction amount, device model, IP address, personal location information, device software version information, device identifier, device identifier. If you do not provide the above information, you will not be able to use the mobile payment service.

    ③ Digital TV payment: In order to enable you to use digital TV payment services, when you open the digital TV payment service and bind your bank card to your digital TV payment account, you need to provide your bank card number, name, ID number, mobile phone number reserved by the bank and mobile phone verification code. You need to enter the account of the payee, partial name of the payee, and transfer amount according to the prompts on the page. If you do not provide the above information, the transfer may not take place, but it will not affect your use of other services provided by us. The bank will also collect your receipt and payment transaction information to form a payee list to simplify your transfer operation. The above information is personal sensitive information. If you refuse to provide the information, you will not be able to use the above functions.

    ④ Prepaid card acceptance: In order for you to use the prepaid card acceptance service, you need to provide your bank card number, name, ID number, business license number, mobile phone number reserved by the bank and mobile verification code when you open the prepaid card acceptance service and bind your bank card to the merchant account of the prepaid card receipt. If you do not provide the above information, the prepaid card payment transfer may not be carried out, but it will not affect your use of other services provided by us. Refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from using the above functions.

    (2) If you are a specially contracted merchant, we can provide you with Internet payment services, mobile payment services, digital TV payment services, prepaid card acceptance services and bank card receipt services. When you use these services, we require you to provide the following information. If you do not provide such information, you will not be able to use the relevant functions, but your use of other services provided by us will not be affected.

    ① Merchant opening service: In order to ensure that you can normally use the payment service provided by Lakala, we need to obtain your 1) personal information during the process of opening a merchant for you, including mobile phone number, name, ID number, photo of both sides of ID card, email address (not required); 2) Bank account information for receiving payment including opening bank, account name and account number; 3) Store operation information, including store name, store address, front photo or business site photo.

    ② Merchant upgrade service: You can upgrade your merchant level by submitting more authentication information, including 1) credit card authentication information, including your credit card opening bank, account name, card number, bank reservedmobile phone number; 2) Business license certification information, including the store name, business license number and business license photo used when you open the merchant.

    ③ Merchant withdrawal service: When you use the withdrawal service, you need to open the service function first, and verify your personal information and bank card information submitted in the process of opening the merchant again.

    ④ Collection transaction: When you use our collection service, in order to ensure the security and compliance of the transaction, we need to obtain your GPS location information, mobile phone Bluetooth permission, device identification number IMEI/IDFA, and transaction card number information (encrypted).

    ⑤ Transaction inquiry: In order to provide you with daily transaction and fund management services and facilitate you to view transaction information and business data in real time, we record and show you your transaction flow and transfer information.

    (3) Online customer service: In order to better achieve the service we provide to you, we provide you with online customer service. When you use the online customer service, we need to obtain your camera and album access, microphone access, external read and write storage access, so that you can better communicate with us.

    (4) Value-added services: In the process of providing other value-added services to you, we will provide corresponding services to you under your explicit authorization.

    (5) Other business: We will constantly update our products and services. If you apply for other business provided by us, we will use your personal information according to business needs.

    3. Service functions achieved by SDK

    (1) AVOS data statistics service: It is used to statistics and analyze APP data and record user behaviors. We may obtain your device ID, device model, carrier and APP version information.

    (2) Baidu OCR identification: Used for identity authentication services, we may collect your ID photo and photo content (such as name, ID number, address) information through this service.

    (3) Wen Tong OCR identification: used for identity authentication in the public security system, we may obtain your ID card photo and photo content (such as name, ID number, address) information.

    (4) Combined OCR identification: for identity authentication in the public security system, we may obtain your ID photo and photo content (such as name, ID number, address) information.

    (5) SenseTime OCR: For identity authentication, we may obtain your ID photo and photo content (such as name, ID number, address, bank card number) information.

    (6) Sensetime face recognition: for face recognition services, we may obtain your face photo information, we will delete the original image of your face photo after using your face photo for authentication function.

    (7) Bunsheng device fingerprint: Used to generate unique device fingerprint identification, we may obtain your phone hardware information (such as CPU, IMEI, etc.), mobile phone system information (such as memory, network, Bluetooth).

    (8) Yindun Citron password keyboard: Used for identity authentication, we may obtain your login and payment encrypted data information set through the password keyboard.

    (9) Tencent SDK: Used to collect APP crash logs. We may collect your log information (including third-party developer customized logs, Logcat logs and APP crash stack information), device ID (including androidid and idfv), networking information, system name, system version and country code.

    (10) Taobao SDK: It adopts Ali's WEEX architecture to realize the cross-platform development of the client without collecting any information from you.

    (11) wechat openSDK: It is used to provide wechat sharing service. We may collect the picture information that you plan to save or share in your moments.

    (12) Zxing QR Code SDK: For taking photos with QR code and obtaining the QR code in the album, we need to obtain your album storage permission and camera permission.

    (13) Cloud core network password keyboard: Used for identity authentication, we may obtain your login and payment encrypted data information set through the password keyboard.

    (14) Ali Cloud number authentication SDK: For one-click login function, we may obtain your local number.

    (15) Tencent TPNS Push SDK: It is used for push notification and does not collect any information about you.

    (16) Baidu Speech recognition SDK: used for speech synthesis, broadcast push information, does not collect any information about you.

    4. You may choose whether to authorize us to collect and use your personal information when you use some APP products of Lakala Payment Service. If you refuse to authorize the information required for some functions or services, you will not be able to use the relevant functions or services, but this will not affect your normal use of other functions or services of Lakala Payment Service:

    (1) Device information, which is used to statistics and analyze APP data, record user behaviors, provide positioning services, push APP message services, and generate unique device fingerprint identification.

    (2) Location information, which is used to provide positioning services and ensure safety and compliance when using merchant and collection services.

    (3) Camera, which is used to directly shoot and upload pictures for specific scenes such as opening merchants, upgrading merchants, online customer service consultation, authorized face recognition under specific scenes, etc.

    (4) Album/storage, which is used for accessing and uploading photos, pictures or videos in the mobile phone.

    (5) Bluetooth, used to realize the connection between the mobile phone and the card reader device, so as to facilitate the use of receipt service.

    (6) Network communication, used to communicate with the server. After authorization is denied, all Web-based service functions of the APP will be unavailable. The APP system saves the network information, including IP and port information, of the device used when you use the APP in the background.

    The above functions may require you to enable access rights of your device, geographical location (location information), camera (camera), photo album (storage) and Bluetooth to us in your device to realize the collection and use of information involved in these functions. Please note that by enabling these permissions, you authorize us to collect and use such information to achieve the above functions. If you cancel these authorizations, we will no longer collect and use your information, but we will not be able to provide you with the functions corresponding to these authorizations.

    5. When you perform face recognition on the products of Lakala Payment service for identity authentication, we will collect your face photo and delete the original image of your face photo after realizing the authentication function.

    6. Security management

    In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the services provided to you, we need to record the types and modes of the services you use and relevant operation information, such as: Carrier information, device hardware information, device model, IP address, device software version information, device identifier, device identifier, region, network usage habits, and other log information related to the Lakala payment service. If you do not agree that we record the foregoing information, you may not be able to complete the risk control verification.

    7. According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your personal information in accordance with the law without obtaining your consent under the following circumstances:

    (1) Relevant to the performance of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations by the personal information controller;

    (2) Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

    (3) Those directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;

    (4) Thosedirectly related to the investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments of crimes;

    (5) To protect your or others' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to get your consent;

    (6) The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself;

    (7) Necessary for the signing and performance of the contract according to your requirements;

    (8) Collect personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

    (9) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the provided services, such as: finding and handling service faults;

    (10) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

    8. Others

    If you choose to use other services provided by us and we need to collect your information based on such services, we will separately explain the scope and purpose of the information collection to you and obtain your consent. We will use, store, provide and protect your information in accordance with this Policy and the corresponding User Agreement. If you choose not to provide the above information, you may not be able to use one or some of the services, but it will not affect your use of other services provided by us.

    (II) Circumstances in which we obtain your personal information from third parties

    Subject to your consent, we may obtain your personal information from third-party organizations that legally hold your personal information, such as technology, consulting service providers, financial institutions, etc. These cooperative organizations will provide products and services related to our services to help detect and prevent potential criminal activities and violations of our policies.

    (III) How to use your information

    The main purpose of collecting your information is to provide you with a secure, efficient and personalized service experience. We use your personal information for the following purposes:

    1.Identity certificate authentication, face recognition, bank card certification, business certification

    In order to comply with the personal user real-name management regulations (anti-money laundering/anti-fraud) and provide you with security services, you agree and authorize us to collect and use your 1) If you are an individual user: Name, gender, nationality, occupation, address of residence or work unit, type of identity certificate or other identity certificate, certificate number, validity period (start time - end time), photo of face, mobile phone number, bank card number and mobile phone number reserved by bank; 2) If you are an enterprise user: The name of the enterprise, its domicile, its business scope, the name of the license, certificate or document (such as the unified social credit code), number and validity period, the name of the enterprise's bank account, account number, opening bank, the name of its legal representative, the type of ID card or other identity documents, certificate number and certificate are valid Time limit (start time - end time), facial photo and mobile phone number, name of the entrusted agent, type of ID card or other identification documents, certificate number, validity period of certificate (start time - end time), facial photo and mobile phone number, The name, address, type of ID card or other identity proof documents, certificate number and validity period of the beneficial owner, and share them with third-party institutions providing verification services by encrypted transmission for consistency comparison and output of verification results; You agree and authorize the third party to use your personal information for verification services and return verification results to us in encrypted transmission. If you do not provide the above information, you will not be able to use the relevant services which must be managed by the real-name system according to the relevant laws and regulations of China.

    2. Provide you with the relevant services of your choice

    When you use the services on our Platform, we will use your personally identifiable information, personal property information and other information collected based on your consent in the specific process of business development to evaluate the suitability of products or services, verify the authenticity of services, process product or service requests, complete service instructions and send service notices to you. At the same time, in order to comply with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory provisions, as well as to facilitate your query of service records or historical status, we will archive your identity information, service information and behavior information, and keep these information properly in strict accordance with laws and regulations. The above information is necessary to carry out our services. If you do not provide the above information, we may not be able to provide the above services for you.

    3. Provide customer service and handle complaints

    Our online customer service will use your account information and service information. To ensure the security of your account, our online customer service will use your account information to verify your identity with you. When you need us to provide customer service and after-sales service related to your service information, we will provide account binding service and query your service information.

    In order to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of you and others, if you are complained by others or complain to others, we will provide your name, ID number and complaint related content to the consumer rights and interests protection department and regulatory authorities when necessary for timely settlement of complaints and disputes, except for those expressly prohibited by laws and regulations.

    4. Improve our products to provide you with more personalized services

    (1) We will process your information in ways such as desensitization and de-identification, and then conduct comprehensive statistics, analysis and processing, in order to provide you with more accurate, personalized, smooth and convenient services, Or to help us evaluate, improve or design services and operational activities;

    (2) In order to improve your service experience and recommend more quality or suitable services to you, we may form characteristic labels according to your information to provide you with customer service and marketing notices, commercial electronic messages or advertisements that you may be interested in. If you do not wish to receive such information, you may unsubscribe according to the methods suggested by us. For example, reply ‘TD’ to unsubscribe from such messages.

    When we want to use the information for other purposes not specified in this policy, we will obtain your consent again in the form of confirmation agreement and copy writing confirmation action in specific scenarios in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations and national standards.

    5. Functions necessary to ensure service security

    In order to improve the security of our system when you use our products and/or services, more accurately prevent phishing website fraud and protect the security of your account, we may judge the risks of your account by understanding your browsing information, service information, your commonly used software information, device information and other means, and may record some links that we consider to be risky; We will also collect your device information to analyze our system problems, collect traffic statistics, troubleshoot possible risks, and troubleshoot when you choose to send us abnormal information.

    (IV) Rules for the use of your personal information

    1. We will use the personal information provided by you and collected by us in accordance with the provisions of this Policy and for the purpose of realizing the functions of our products and/or services, performing the agreement, providing services, resolving disputes, ensuring the security of transactions and other purposes.

    2. Please note that all personal information provided by you when using our products and/or services will continue to be authorized by us during your use of our products and/or services unless you delete it or refuse us to collect it through system settings. After your account cancellation request is processed, we will stop your access to the account and delete your personal information or anonymize it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

    3. When we display your personal information, we will according to the "Personal Financial Information protection Technical Specification" (JR/T 0171-2020) using fuzzy, irreversible and other technical processing methods to desensitize your information, in order to protect your information security.

    4. When we use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this Policy, or use the information collected for a specific purpose Is used for other purposes, we will seek your consent in advance.

    II. How do we use Cookie, Beacon, Proxy and other technologies

    To make your access experience easier, when you use the services provided by Lakala Pay, we may identify you through a small data file. This can save you the need to re-enter your registration information or help you determine the security status of your account. These data files may be cookies, Flash cookies, other local storage provided by your browser or associated application (" Cookies "). With cookies, after you use your browser to access the server, the server will pass to the browser a specific string of data identification. Every time the browser visits the server, it must bring this data identification string for verification. The Cookie does not contain any sensitive user information.

    Please understand that some of our services are only available through the use of cookies. If permitted by your browser or browser add-on services, you may modify Cookie acceptance or reject cookies for Lakala payment. The Help section of most browser toolbars tells you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have your browser notify you when you receive a new Cookie, or how to turn off cookies altogether. In addition, you can turn off or delete similar data used by the browser add-on (e.g., Flash cookies) by changing the settings of the browser add-on, or by visiting the provider's web page. However, this move may affect your safe use of services provided by Lakala Pay in some cases.

    Our website may also contain some electronic images (hereinafter referred to as "web beacons"). Web beacons can be used to help websites count web browsing users or access certain cookies. We will collect information about your web browsing activities through web beacons, such as: The address of the page you visit, the location of the referenced page you visited previously, your browsing environment, and the display settings

    If you use the services provided by a third party other than Lakala Pay through our website or APP, we may use special network protocols and Proxy technology (hereinafter referred to as "Proxy technology") in order to ensure the security of your account and provide you with a more secure access experience. Using Proxy technology can help you identify our known high-risk sites, reduce the resulting risks of phishing, account leakage, etc. At the same time, it is more conducive to protecting the common rights and interests of you and the third party, and prevent criminals from tampering with the normal service content between you and the third party you wish to visit, such as: Advertising injection caused by insecure routers, illegal base stations, and illegal content tampering. During this process, we may also obtain and save relevant information about your computer, such as IP address, hardware ID.

    III. How we share, transfer, publicly disclose and entrust your personal information

    (I) Sharing

    1. Business sharing

    We promise to keep your information strictly confidential. Unless otherwise required by laws, regulations and regulatory authorities, we will only share your information with third parties, including our affiliates, cooperative financial institutions and other partners, in the following circumstances: If we need to share your information to a third party in order to provide services to you, we will evaluate the legality, legitimacy and necessity of the information collected by such third party. When you use the products or services provided by a third party through the APP, website, client, applet, public account, POS machine or other application of the Lakala Payment Service through your Lakala Service account, we will transfer your Lakala user ID and the relevant information prompted on the page to the third party based on your authorization in the specific scenario. The page prompt for obtaining authorization will display the specific authorization object and authorization information type. Your information will be transferred to the third party through the encrypted channel. We will share your personal information with third parties in accordance with the provisions of this Policy, but we will only share necessary personal information subject to the purposes stated in this Policy. If the third party wants to change the purpose of processing personal information, it will seek your authorized consent again. We will require third parties to take protective measures against your information and strictly comply with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements.

    (1) Some products or services may be provided by third parties or jointly provided by us and third parties. Therefore, only by sharing your information can you provide the products or services you need.

    (2) If you choose to participate in the promotion activities jointly conducted by us and a third party, we may share with you the information generated during the activities and necessary for the completion of the activities so that the third party can timely issue awards, subsidies or provide services to you. We will clearly inform you on the activity rules page or through other means what information needs to be provided to the third party in accordance with laws, regulations or national standards.

    (3) With your express consent in advance, we will share your information with third parties according to the scope of your authorization as permitted by laws and regulations and within the scope of not violating public order and morality.

    2. Other cooperation and sharing

    We may share your service information, account information and equipment information with partners and other third parties to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided for you. However, we will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes, and only share personal information necessary for the provision of services. Our partners have no right to use shared personal information for any other purpose. Our partners include the following types:

    (1) Suppliers of technical and consulting services. We may share your mobile phone number and other personal information with third parties who support our services. These include institutions that provide us with infrastructure technical services, data processing services, telecommunications services, audit services and legal services. However, we require these service providers to use your information only for the purpose of providing services to us and not for their own benefit.

    (2) Cooperating with financial institutions and insurance institutions, which can provide us with financial service products. These financial institutions are not permitted to use such information for purposes other than the relevant products are not permitted to use such information for purposes other than the relevant products unless you agree to use the information for other purposes.

    (3) Third-party SDK service organizations. In order to provide you with better services, we access third-party SDK services and provide part of your information to third-party service organizations.

    ① Baidu location: Used to provide location services, Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd. may have obtained your IMEI information, location information, operator information.

    ② AVOS Push: It is used to provide you with push APP message service. Delicious Bookmark (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd. may obtain your mobile phone ID, device model, operator and network type information.

    ③ Huawei Push: provides APP message push services. Huawei Terminals Co., Ltd. may obtain your mobile phone ID, device model, carrier, and network type.

    ④ Xiaomi Push: It is used to provide you with push APP message service. Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. may obtain your mobile phone ID, device model, operator and network type information.

    ⑤ Meizu Push: It is used to provide you with push APP message services. Zhuhai Meizu Technology Co., Ltd. may obtain your mobile phone ID, device model, operator and network type information.

    ⑥ Share: It is used to provide social sharing services (including wechat, QQ and Weibo). Guangzhou Zhangtao Network Technology Co., Ltd. may obtain your mobile phone ID and network status information.

    ⑦ OPPO Push: It is used to provide push APP message service for you. OPPO Guangdong Mobile Communication Co., Ltd. may obtain your mobile phone ID, device model, operator and network type information.

    ⑧ VIVO push: To provide you with push APP message services, Vivo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd. may obtain your mobile phone ID, device model, operator, network type information.

    ⑨ Baidu Cloud Push: Used to provide APP message push service for you. Beijing Baidu Netnews Technology Co., Ltd. may obtain your mobile device information.

    ⑩ Tencent SDK: (1)In order to optimize products and services and collect APP crash logs, Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. may need to collect relevant personal information from APP developers and/or end users, including: log information (including: Third-party developer custom logs, Logcat logs, and APP crash stack info), device ids (including androidid and idfv), networking info, system name, system version, and country code. (2) In order to analyze user statistics errors and update APP version, Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. may obtain your device MAC address, file storage permissions, camera permissions, system Settings permissions, and network permissions.

    ⑪ Wechat openSDK: It is used to provide wechat sharing services to you. Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. may obtain your openID and collect your picture data for sharing to Moments or wechat favorites, but will not be used for associating or tracking users.

    ⑫ Your device ID, MAC address, device model, operator and APP version may be obtained by your device Manager (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. for APP statistics, analysis and user behaviour.

    ⑬ Tencent X5 kernel: In case of compatibility with the h5 page, Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. may obtain your MAC address, file storage permission and camera permission for uploading photos and videos.

    ⑭ Beijing Yidao Boshi Science and Technology Co., LTD., which is used for merchant ID identification and bank card identification, may obtain your ID and bank card information.

    ⑮ Firebase crashlytic: used for app crash statistics. Google LLC may have obtained your IMEI information and location information.

    If the information is leaked when the aforesaid third-party service providers collect the aforesaid information, the relevant third-party service providers willbear the corresponding legal liabilities.

    If you do not agree to the collection of the aforementioned information by the third-party service provider, you may not be able to obtain the relevant services, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions or services of the APP.

    3. We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, requiring them to handle personal information in accordance with our instructions, this policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. For the use of sensitive personal data, we require third parties to adopt data desensitization and encryption technologies to better protect user data.

    4. In order to comply with the law, execute or apply our Conditions of use and other agreements, or to protect the rights and property or safety of us, you or other our customers, such as to prevent fraud and other illegal activities and reduce credit risks, after obtaining your consent, we may exchange your personal information, service information and activity information with regulatory agencies or organizations such as UnionPay and the People's Bank of China. However, this does not mean that we will sell, rent, share or otherwise disclose personal information for profit in violation of our commitments under this Policy.

    5. If you fail to fulfill your obligations in accordance with the agreements signed with us and other users and other legal texts, we have the right to blacklist the above information and share the data with necessary third parties for review and collection purposes of our platform and third parties.

    (II) Transfer

    We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except in the following cases:

    1. Obtain your express consent or authorization in advance;

    2. According to laws and regulations or mandatory administrative or judicial requirements;

    3. In the case of asset transfer, acquisition, merger, reorganization or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal information transfer is involved, we will inform you of the relevant situation and require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy. If the purpose of using personal information is changed, we will require the company or organization to obtain your explicit consent again.

    (III) Public disclosure

    We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances and under the premise that we have adopted industry-standard security measures. Otherwise, we will not publicly disclose your information in principle. If public disclosure is necessary, we will inform you of the purpose of public disclosure, the type of information disclosed and the sensitive information that may be involved, and obtain your express consent.

    1. According to your needs, disclose the personal information you specify in the manner of disclosure agreed by you;

    2. If we are required to provide your personal information by laws, regulations, mandatory administrative enforcement and judicial requirements, we may publicly disclose your personal information according to the type and disclosure method of personal information required.

    (IV) Entrusted handling

    In order to improve the efficiency of information processing, reduce the cost of information processing, or improve the accuracy of information processing, we may entrust competent related parties or other professional organizations to process information on our behalf. We will require the entrusted company to abide by the strict confidentiality obligation and take effective confidentiality measures through written agreement, on-site audit and other means, and prohibit it from using the information for purposes not authorized by you. When the entrustment relationship is terminated, the entrusted company will no longer keep personal information.

    (V) According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information in accordance with the law without obtaining your consent under the following circumstances:

    1. Relevant to the performance of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;

    2. Directly related to national security and national defense security;

    3. Those directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;

    4. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

    5. In order to protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to get your consent;

    6. Personal information disclosed by you to the public;

    7. Personal information collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

    VI. How do we protect and store your personal information

    (I) Our technologies and measures to protect your personal information

    We take personal information security very seriously, but the Internet environment is not 100 percent secure. We promise that we will not maliciously sell or share your information free of charge with any third party and will try our best to take all measures in line with industry standards and practices to protect your personal information.

    1. Technical measures for data security

    We will adopt industry-standard security measures and industry-accepted security technologies to prevent unauthorized access and modification of your personal information and avoid disclosure, damage or loss of your personal information:

    (1) Adopt encryption technology to encrypt and store your personal information.

    (2) Our network services adopt encryption technologies such as transport layer security protocol and provide browsing services through https and other means to ensure the security of your personal information during transmission.

    (3) When using your personal information, such as personal information display and personal information association calculation, we will use a variety of data desensitization technologies including fuzzy and irreversible to enhance the security of personal information in use according to the Technical Specification for Personal Financial Information Protection (JR/T 0171-2020).

    (4) Our system for storing your personal data guarantees the security of transactions and personal information from security management, policies, procedures, network architecture and many other aspects.

    2. Other security measures taken to protect personal information

    We manage and regulate the storage and use of personal information by establishing data classification, data security policies and security development specifications:

    (1) We adopt strict data access rights and multiple identity authentication technology to control and protect personal information, and conduct comprehensive security control over data by signing strict confidentiality agreements with information contacts, monitoring and auditing mechanisms to avoid illegal use of data.

    (2) We use code security check and data access log analysis technology to conduct personal information security audit.

    (3) We will also organize security and privacy training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

    3. Handling security incidents

    (1) In order to deal with the possible risks of personal information disclosure, damage and loss, we have developed a number of systems to clarify the classification and grading standards of security incidents and security vulnerabilities and the corresponding processing process. We have established a special emergency response team for security incidents. According to the requirements of the safety incident handling norms, we launch safety plans for different security incidents, carry out stop loss, analysis, positioning, formulation of remedial measures, and cooperate with relevant departments to trace the source and strike.

    (2) In the event of a personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions you can independently prevent and reduce risks, and the remedial measures for you. At the same time, we will timely inform you of the relevant information of the event by email, letter, telephone, push notification and other means. When it is difficult to inform the subject of personal information one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to release announcements. At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

    (II) Preservation of your personal information

    1. Personal information collected and generated by us within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. If some services involve cross-border business and we need to transmit relevant personal information collected in China to overseas institutions, we will follow laws and regulations and provisions of relevant regulatory authorities, explain to you the purpose of personal information leaving the country and the types of personal information involved, obtain your consent, and require the overseas institutions to keep the personal information obtained from you confidential through effective measures such as signing agreements and on-site verification.

    2. We retain your personal information only for such periods as are required by laws and regulations and are necessary to achieve the purpose of this Policy Statement. For sensitive personal information, such as face photos, we will delete your face photos after the implementation of the authentication function. Other sensitive personal information (such as ID photo, bank card information) and other personal information other than sensitive personal information (such as telephone number) will be kept until the date of your account cancellation. We promise that this is the shortest period necessary to ensure your rights and interests as a Lakala consumer. When your personal information exceeds this period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information. Except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

    3. If we terminate the service or operation, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance and delete or anonymize your personal information after the termination of the service or operation.

    V. The way you manage your personal information

    We attach great importance to your concerns about personal information, and do our best to protect your right to access, correct, delete and withdraw your consent to your personal information, so that you have the full ability to protect your privacy and security. Your rights include:

    1. Access and correct your personal information

    (1) If you need to access or correct personal information generated during your use of our products and/or services, please contact us at any time through the contact information in this Policy. We will process your request within 15 working days after receiving it.

    (2) Personal Information that you cannot access and/or correct: We cannot provide you with access and/or correction services for part of your personal information, which is mainly your device information collected to ensure transaction security and meet relevant mandatory laws and regulations and personal information generated when you use financial products. The above information will be used within the scope of your authorization in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and you cannot change or delete it.

    2. Delete your personal information

    You can modify or delete some of your information in our Products and/or services page. You can also apply to us for removal. Once you delete the information, we will delete or anonymize such information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

    Under the following circumstances, you may request us to delete your personal information:

    (1) If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

    (2) If we collect or use your personal information without your consent;

    (3) If our handling of personal information violates the agreement with you;

    (4) If you have logged off your Lakala service account;

    (5) If we terminate our services and operations.

    If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will conduct subsequent deletion processing according to your requirements and requirements of relevant laws and regulations and give you feedback on the results.

    3. Manage your scope of authorization

    If you want to change the scope of authorization or cancel the authorization to share information with third parties, you can modify it through your hardware device, do it yourself on our Products and/or Services page, or contact our customer service for processing. You may also permanently withdraw all authorization for us to continue collecting your personal information by closing your account. When you cancel the authorization of information collection, we will no longer collect the information. After you cancel the authorization to share information with the third party, we will no longer provide information to the third party under this business scenario.

    Please understand that each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed. After you withdraw your consent or cancel your authorization, we will not be able to provide you with the corresponding services. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or cancel your authorization will not affect our personal information processing based on your authorization.

    4. Close your account

    You can apply to cancel your Lakala Service account by following the instructions on our Products and/or Services page or by contacting our customer Service. After you close your account, we will stop providing you with products and/or services, and we will delete your personal information, unless it is required to be retained as evidence for the settlement of civil disputes that have occurred or may occur, and the storage time of personal information is otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations or regulatory authorities.

    5. Obtaining copies of personal information

    You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information. You can contact your account manager or our customer service for application.

    6. Despite the above provisions, according to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may not be able to respond to your request under the following circumstances:

    (1) Relevant to the performance of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations by the personal information controller;

    (2) Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

    (3)Those directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;

    (4) Those directly related to the investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments of crimes;

    (5) There is sufficient evidence that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;

    (6) To protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your authorization and consent;

    (7) Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals and organizations;

    (8)Involving trade secrets;

    (9) You have outstanding business in your account, such as a balance in the account or outstanding debts.

    7. Complaints and appeals

    You may contact us through the channels provided in this Policy and complain about matters that occur during your use of the services, or you may complain about our automated processing of your information through these channels. We will process it within 15 working days.

    VI. Protection of minors' personal information

    1. We attach great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. You shall be a person at or above the age of 18 who complies with the laws of the People's Republic of China and has full civil rights and capacity for civil conduct and can independently bear civil liabilities. If you do not meet the above qualifications, you should immediately stop the registration process on our platform and stop using the services of our platform.

    2. In cases where personal information of minors is collected with the consent of parents or legal guardians, we will only use or publicly disclose such information when it is permitted by law, with the express consent of parents or guardians or necessary for the protection of minors.

    3. If we find that we have collected personal information about minors without prior verifiable parental or legal guardian consent, we will try to delete the data as soon as possible.

    VII. Notices and Amendments

    1. In order to provide you with better service and with the development of our business, this policy will be updated accordingly. However, we will not reduce your rights under this Policy without your express consent. We will issue the updated version on our platform and mobile terminal and remind you of the updated content by announcement or other appropriate means before it takes effect. You are also requested to visit our platform or mobile to keep abreast of the latest personal information protection policy.

    2. For major changes, we will also provide more prominent notices (we will explain the specific changes of the personal information protection policy by means including but not limited to APP push notification, APP announcement, pop-up prompt, email/SMS or special prompt on the browsing page, etc.). Material changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:

    (1) Changes in our basic circumstances, such as changes in owners caused by mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations;

    (2) The scope, purpose and rules of collecting, storing and using personal information have changed;

    (3) The object, scope and purpose of providing personal information have changed;

    (4) Changes in the way you access and manage personal information;

    (5) Changes in data security capabilities and information security risks;

    (6) The channels and mechanisms for users to inquire and complain, as well as the changes of external dispute resolution institutions and contact methods;

    (7) Other changes that may have a material impact on your rights and interests in personal information.

    VIII. How to contact us

    We have set up the Department of Information Security as a dedicated department of personal information protection, with a person in charge of information protection. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this policy, you can contact our Information Protection Officer through the following channels:

    (1) Customer service hotline 95016;

    (2) Online customer service of ‘Lakala 95016 Official Customer Service’ public account;

    (3) Send an email to

    We will review the problem as soon as possible and give a reply within 15 working days.